May 1 - 6:15
May 24 - 6:05
July 2 - 6:15
July 3 - 6:15 (Note: no box seats left for this game!)
Sept 4 - 6:15
No Justice - Age 14 and under Giveaways
April 17 (7:05) - Opening Night Photo Ball (first 3,000)
May 16 (6:05) - Yet Another Photo Ball (4,000)
June 3 (7:05) - Junk Ball (similar to a Wiffle Ball, first 3,000)
June 5 (7:05) - Bat Night (No FAIR! first 4,000)
June 30 (7:05) - PawSox #1 foam finger (first 3,000)
July 25 (6:05) - Jon Lester Bobblehead Night ("Can I get one for my other five kids who aren't here? COME ON!" /annoying, greedy adults) ONLY 4,000!
August 19 (7:05) - PawSox cheesy notebook with bad graphics (3,000)
August 25 (7:05) - back to school binder (4,000)
Yes, people line up two hours before game time for this crap:
April 18-22 - unwieldy schedule poster
June 27 (6:05) - plastic travel mug (with handle **LQQK**!!!) (first 4,000)
July 12 (1:05) - re-usable shopping bag (first 3,000)
July 26 (1:05) - stupid pink PawSox t-shirt (first 3,000 females)
August 5 (7:05) - team poster (all you zombies) (warning track autograph action)
August 7 (7:05) - replica jersey (first 5,000) (will be gone in 10 minutes)
August 27 (7:05) - team card set (w personal info!) (ALL FANS)
Hope Your Special Day is Special:
April 17 (7:05) - Opening Night Celebration (skippable)
April 18 (1:05) - Paws' 10th birthday party!! ZOMG!
May 3 (1:05) - Star Wars Day!
May 17 (1:05) - Sunday post-game family fun fest! (carnival with no rides or midway)
June 8 (7:05) - Red Sox Legends Night (TBA, but I hope it's Trot Nixon!)
June 16 (7:05) - Armed Services Night (with paratrooping!) (pre-game ceremonies)
June 18 (7:05) - "Pink out" for breast cancer (pre-game ceremony)
Sept 5 (6:05) - Last home game celebration! (sweet, yet so, so bitter)
After every Sunday home game, kids can run the bases. What no Latin Night this year??!
If I were you, I would get your tickets sooner rather than later. Even though we are not in a recession or anything, I'll bet minor league tickets will be much harder to buy on the day of the game.
I have mine, so go get yours (chohk dee โชคดี). I love you.
I was gonna ask you about this--because I got my usual "Red Sox Legends" night tix back when they went on sale, but now I see they're calling it "PawSox Legends Night." Which is it?
I helped with this post in a way!
Also, so true about the bobble-head night thing.
Thanks, Vee!
Maybe it's all the same--Red Sox just meant Pawtucket Red Sox all along?
They're all chickens. The rooster has sex with all of them.
Probably Pawtucket legends.
And if you're good enough to be legendary at Pawtucket, you really should have made the big club. I guess I'll just assume Merloni again.
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