Columbus WINS!10-2
First and foremost, I need to apologize to Marc Deschenes. It was not my intent to imply that he intentionally distracted me by being hot with a radar gun. I blame myself for being highly unprofessional and for being somewhat creepy with the binoculars. I don't want to talk about it anymore, actually.
Abe Alvarez SUCKED last night. And of course, no one's getting any hits in Pawtucket. Especially when JB's not in the lineup.
Around six, when I got to the park, the rain was pretty solid. I saw one of my favorite green flies and he said he doubted the game'd be played. But at around 6:45 I was shaking off my Love-brella and admiring the rainbow in foul territory. Not a bad night for a ball game, but the park was not quite full. We were in Calloway's house and we showered him with love until he threw me a ball. Of course, I didn't use both hands so it just kind of smacked off my palm and landed in the lap of an undeserving chap a few seats over. That's what I get for leaving my GLOVE in the CAR! I LOVE YOU, RON!!

The anniversary ceremonies were simple and dignified and not marred by long-winded speeches. Nice work, guys. A little awkward when Boggs skipped over to third base and made like he was fielding grounders.
I wasn't really working last night... it was a social-type occasion so I just drank beer and had a good time. I'll be at the park tomorrow working very diligently. Yes, I said working. This is almost like having a second job, sometimes.

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