In the offseason before the Year of Great Winnings I attended an event called "Christmas at Fenway". I had heard that there was a not-so-secret amazing guest surprise, that being Curt Schilling, and I was duly excited.
The morning of the event I did not want to get out of bed. Nohow. I almost said, eh, screw it. But I went... not to buy tickets but to see Schilling. And that is all.
There was a uniformed attendant handing out wristbands... I almost declined since I was not going to buy any tickets. But the attendant did not ask, just hooked me up. And so we went and sat in the .406 club and watched the "Cowboy Up" video and special guests. It was sort of cold in there, but comfortable. I perused the 4-pack listings and when they called my number I went and bought tickets. Damn it!
I did get to see Schilling (who came with a bodyguard, which I thought was weird). Bronson Arroyo was there... Johnny Pesky... um, Frank Malzone... Gedman, maybe. Theo. Larry Lucchino opened the floor for a little Q&A and everyone wound up talking about the food. The general consensus among the crowd was that the food blew. And Larry Lucchino said, "Effective immediately, we are providing fresher and more varied food selections at affordable prices." Yes.
While I was at the ticket window, Larry L. breezed past in his luxury coat, eating a Fenway Frank. Man of the people, baby.
I told you that to tell you this. (TM)
December 9th - Fenway shindig. I'm being sent out into the cold to try and score Yankees tickets for Bob OCD and the other guy. With a Yankees pack, you also get two tickets for games versus... Kansas City or Tampa Bay. I am more than happy to attend Devil Rays games. I like the Devil Rays.
I'm off to the suburbs for toast and popcorn.
Looks like XaFen will be lottery only again this year. Good luck.
Did you make the cut for Xmas at Fenway? I didn't.
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